
Copyright and Trademark Information


All text on the pages within the domain names are Copyright Location Solutions South West LLP, unless otherwise stated, under Section 17 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Wherever text has been gathered and included in these pages by Location Solutions South West LLP, the Company has no objection to the use of that text for the purposes of any personal or educational use or private research.  However, any use of the text in these pages for any commercial purposes is not authorised unless a licence is first obtained from Location Solutions South West LLP: apply to

All photographic images in the pages within the are © Copyright Location Solutions South West LLP, unless otherwise stated, under Section 17 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

Copyright in all photographs displayed on this website is owned by Location Solutions South West LLP and/or the photographer and so these photos may not be used unless a licence is first obtained from Location Solutions South West LLP: apply to

Icons and Artwork
All icons and artwork and other graphical images within the are © Copyright to Location Solutions South West LLP unless otherwise stated, under Section 17 of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.

Location Solutions South West LLP owns the copyright in its logotypes and all other promotional logos. Unauthorised use of these by others is prohibited.

Additional information available from the United Kingdom's Copyright Licensing Agency or International Federation of Reproductions Rights Organisations.

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